Wave good bye to Nessie: the wake phenomenon that can explain many Loch Ness sightings

The movement of wakes left by large boats can look deceptive, and to the untrained eye could easily be mistaken for a monster in Loch Ness

Tall tales: ancient British giants, Stonehenge, and the mythological founding of Albion

Was Britain really founded by a race of ancient mythical giants? Obviously not, but try telling that to attendees at the Awakenings Expo

Defending Critical Race Theory is impossible without highlighting the moral panic around it

Defining Critical Race Theory will do nothing to deter culture war figures from stoking the CRT moral panic - we need to call out their tactics, rather than play into their hands

MegaAnon vs QAnon: Continuity and cross-pollination

While the MegaAnon and QAnon conspiracy theories were created separately, their ideas quickly cross-pollinated to create a shared universe

Havana Syndrome: a primer for skeptics in an age of alternative facts

Are the symptoms of so-called Havana Syndrome really caused by secret sonic weapons and covert chemical attacks, or does the answer lie in psychology?

A visit to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, the UK’s explicitly creationist tourist attraction

After decades of criticism for its creationist messages, how has Noah's Ark Zoo Farm changed? Sarah Hearne paid the zoo a visit, to find out.

Counterweight, and the continued enabling of bad faith ‘anti-woke’ actors

The 'anti-woke helpline' Counterweight launched in a flurry of uncritical media interviews, but are less forthcoming when it comes to answering reasonable questions from critics

From chemtrails to COVID-19, Naomi Wolf’s prolific promotion of pseudoscience

Over the years, author Naomi Wolf has spread all manner of misinformation - from misleading statistics to chemtrails and COVID-19 conspiracy theories

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