It’s almost certainly not true that one in four British people think Covid was a hoax

If we are going to make a dent on conspiracy theories we need to accurately understand how prevalent they are - and avoid scaremongering exaggerations

Patience isn’t just a virtue, it’s a crucial part of showing compassion for conspiracy theorists

Continuing to engage hecklers with as much patience and compassion as possible is the only hope we have for reaching people we disagree with

15 minute cities: the latest big bad of the conspiracy theory ecosystem

Why did 15 minute cities go from a niche town planning proposal to a full-blown paranoia? Because existing conspiracist networks needed their next big fear

The Russian Game: the conspiracy mongering propaganda techniques designed to stoke division

Many might assume Russian propaganda is a modern phenomenon, but conspiracy theories throughout history have found a helping hand in Moscow.

The Overton window of conspiracy theories has shifted toward the extreme – we need to drag it back

When politicians and leaders flirt with conspiracy theories for political gain without suffering political consequences, it shifts the window of acceptable ideas to more extreme positions.

Speculation breeds misinformation in the wake of the Liverpool terrorist attack

As soon as reports of the Liverpool terrorist bombing emerged online, the speculation began, providing fertile ground for misinformation to spread

Sine Missione, and the conspiracy theorists who use graffiti to spread pseudoscience

From 5G fears to antisemitism and QAnon - graffiti that promotes conspiracies around Liverpool and beyond are more harmful than you think.

A search for meming: fighting the mind-virus virus

The meme of religion as a "mind virus" oversimplifies how we come to our beliefs, and actively harms our attempts to encourage people to question dogma

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