
Did earthquake guru Frank Hoogerbeets really foresee the disaster in Turkey and Syria?

Days before the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, Frank Hoogerbeets warned of the disaster with uncanny accuracy - a lucky guess, or proof of his earthquake-predicting powers?

Institute Question of Science in Brazil: from fighting pseudoscience to advising governments

IQC - born in response to Bolsanaro and forged in the fight against COVID-19 pseudoscience - aims to establish its permanent place in post-Bolsanaro Brazil

Thoroughgoing scepticism: applying a critical thinking toolset, and following the evidence

Whether it comes to the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, the historicity or Jesus or the proposed solutions to the climate crisis, it's important for skeptics to follow the evidence

25 years ago today, Lisa the Skeptic became The Simpsons’ critical thinking icon

In a show that was never shy to take a satirical look at religion, Season 9's "Lisa the Skeptic" - broadcast 25 years ago today - established The Simpsons' skeptical credibility

Obituary: Kendrick Frazier, editor-in-chief of the Skeptical Inquirer and long-time skeptic

In Kendrick Frazier, we have lost a heavyweight of the skeptical movement, sooner than expected - it will be up to us to carry his legacy worldwide.

Telling creationists “Hail Darwin” might be fun, but we should be wary of hero worship

Saying "Hail Darwin" may poke fun at creationists, but we should remember that as a human being, Darwin wasn't without flaws - we can respect him, but shouldn't worship him

Climate change denial charity Global Warming Policy Foundation wins 2022 Rusty Razor award

A climate change denial charity with close ties to the Conservative government, the Global Warming Policy Foundation, has today been named the 2022 recipient of the “Rusty Razor” award

The BBC Disinformation Unit wins Skeptical Activism Ockham award

The BBC's Disinformation Unit has today been named the 2022 recipient of the Ockham Award for Skeptical Activism.
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