
Critical thinking is essential, especially around emotionally-charged subjects like Gaza

If we want to better understand what's going on in situations like the Israeli-Gaza conflict, we need to be aware of our biases, and how to mitigate their impact

The graveyard of skeptical projects suggests it’s funding, not talent, that we’re lacking

Skepticism is a public good, but it is often starved of resources - the quiet deaths of so many pro-skepticism endeavours should alarm all of us

Cardiologist and Covid vaccine critic Dr Aseem Malhotra wins 2023 Rusty Razor award

A cardiologist who has spent the pandemic spreading Covid vaccine misinformation, Dr Aseem Malhotra, has today been named the 2022 recipient of the “Rusty Razor” award

Knowledge Fight podcast wins Skeptical Activism Ockham award

Knowledge Fight podcast has today been named the 2023 recipient of the Ockham Award for Skeptical Activism.

“What Nonsense!” – unpacking popular pseudosciences for a Brazilian audience

As pseudoscience flourishes in Brazil, What Nonsense! by Carlos Orsi and Natalia Pasternak seeks to redress the balance, and push back against irrationality

The Ockham Awards 2023: recognising the best in skepticism, and the worst in pseudoscience

Nominations for the 2023 Ockham Awards are now open, with our annual award for Skeptical Activism and our Rusty Razor award for pseudoscience.

Hit them in the feels: confirmation bias and the emotional component of reason

We may see ourselves as rational decision makers, but we are all prone to judging ideas based on how well they agree with what we already think

Jack Chick’s foray into the developing world only illustrates the development of his ideology

Jack Chick, the legendary Christian comic book propagandist, treats his readers with visits to Africa and India in his series, showcasing his own hypocrisy along the way
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