
From the archives: The Demise of Parapsychology, 1850-2009

From the archives in 2012, Ray Hyman kicks off our parapsychology series with his assertion that parapsychology should no longer be considered scientific

The Angels of Mons and Elsewhere – Part Two: Even More Tales of Supernatural Rescue

From the archives, Scott Wood completes his two-part assessment on the fabled Angels of Mons and the making of myths

An anaesthesiologist examines the Pam Reynolds story Part 2: The experience

From the archives, Gerry Woerlee suggests a very non-paranormal explanation for near-death experiences on the operating table

SETI and the Fermi paradox: in search of ET

From the archives, Dene Bebbington asks whether the search for life on other planets is likely to be successful

An anaesthesiologist examines the Pam Reynolds story Part 1: Background considerations

From the archives, In his two-part analysis of Pam Reynold’s near-death experience, Gerry Woerlee considers the evidence for the paranormal

The Angels of Mons and Elsewhere – Part One: The Bowmen and Other Legends

From the archives, Scott Wood begins his two-part assessment on the fabled Angels of Mons by unearthing their origins

Electromagnetic protection: the dodgy devices promising to protect you from EMFs

From the archives, Steve Donnelly discusses the burgeoning field of electromagnetic protection protecting devices

The mosaic of memory: how we constantly rewrite our memories of our past

From the archives, Chris French considers the nature of memory.
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