
From the archive: How (not) to talk to aliens, and the challenges of extraterrestrial languages

From the archives in 2006, Mark Newbrook ponders the complexities of extraterrestrial languages

From the archive: Psychoanalysing God – Sigmund Freud on Religion

From the archives in 2006, Ian Fairholm discusses Freud, neuroticism and religion

From the archive: Motivated distortion of personal memory for trauma

From the archives, at the Remembering Trauma Conference held in September 2003, Mark Pendergrast described how people can develop false memories for terrible events

What Colour is Four? The Perception of Synaesthesia in Art and Science

From the archives, Marc Tibber traces the shifting position of an intriguing psychological phenomenon

From the archive: Forgive us our trespassers – Rendlesham and diplomacy

From the archives in 2006, Peter Brookesmith considers the diplomatic aspects of the Rendlesham ‘cover-up’

From the archive: The Rendlesham Incident – Some Lessons for UFOlogy

From the archives in 2006, Jenny Randles describes her own long involvement with the case and considers its implications for UFOlogy in general

From the archive: The Truth about Rendlesham

From the archives in 2006, James Easton presents the first of a series of articles on Britain’s most notorious UFO case.

From the archive: Rendlesham Forest – Britain’s Roswell?

From the archives in 2006, would the release of official documents relating to the Rendlesham Forest incident reveal that a UFO really landed? Dr David Clarke investigates.
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