
Skepticism and Humanism: the New Paradigm

Skepticism and Humanism: The New Paradigm by Paul Kurtz Transaction Publishers, $39.95, ISBN 0765800519 Paul Kurtz is, of course, the founder of CSICOP. This is a...

Confessions of a Rabbi and Psychic

Confessions of a Rabbi and Psychic by Shmuley Boteach and Uri Geller Robson Books, £16.95, ISBN 1861054106 This book is presented as a series of letters between...

The Shattered Self: The End of Natural Evolution

The Shattered Self: The End of Natural Evolution by Pierre Baldi MIT Press, ISBN 0262025027 This is an excellent survey of contemporary trends in molecular biology and...

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to New Millennium Predictions

The Complete Idiot's Guide to New Millennium Predictions by the New Age Collective and Lisa Lenard Alpha Books, £13.99, ISBN 0028631129 There seems to be a trend...

Parapsychology: The Science of Unusual Experience

Parapsychology: The Science of Unusual Experience by R Roberts and D Groome (Editors) Arnold, £12.99, ISBN 0340761687 Framed between introductory and summary chapters by Ron Roberts, ten...

Little Green Men, Meowing Nuns and Head Hunting Panics

Little Green Men, Meowing Nuns and Head-hunting Panics: A Study of Mass Psychogenic Illnesses and Social Delusion by Robert E Bartholomew McFarland and Company, £28.45,...

Zeno and the Tortoise

Zeno and the Tortoise: How to Think Like a Philosopher by Nicholas Fearn Atlantic Books, £9.99, ISBN 1903809134 This is really a fun book. Fearn, a philosophy...

Gods of the New Millennium

Gods of the New Millennium by Alan F Alford Hodder & Stoughton, £8.99, ISBN 0340696133 The plot of the story is simple. Ancient civilisations report their gods...
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