
Intuition: Its Powers and Perils – David G. Myers

  Yale University Press ISBN 0-300-09531-7 I had a good feeling about this book from the moment I read about it. Vast claims are routinely made for...

Paleofantasy: what evolution really tells us about sex, diet & how we live – Marlene Zuk

  W. W. Norton & Company ISBN 10: 0393347923 It's common now to read complaints and warnings about modern life that trace the root of our problems...

Reality: a very short introduction – Jan Westerhoff

  OUP, ISBN 10: 0199594414 Westerhoff offers a potted survey of a subject that may be of some interest, though he raises several suspicions as to...

Decoding Reality – Vlatko Vedral

  OUP ISBN 978-0-19-969574-4 Quantum physics will always baffle our intuitions, and pop science books trying to explain it will always be written, often by excitable physicists...

Deceit and Self-Deception: Fooling Yourself the Better to Fool Others – Robert Trivers

  Allen Lane, ISBN 978-0-713-99826-9 The title is enough to attract any skeptic, and the author’s name should be added bait for anyone familiar with advances...

The Fact of Evolution – Cameron M. Smith

Prometheus Books, ISBN 978-1-61614-441-8 It is the fact of denial that has provoked Smith to add yet another species to the teeming ecology of books...

Understanding Beliefs – Nils J. Nilsson

  MIT Press ISBN 10: 0262526433 This slim book is part of MIT's Essential Knowledge series. The term "knowledge", however, seems to pose some difficulties for the...

The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case Against Life After Death – Michael Martin and Keith Augustine

  Rowman & Littlefield ISBN: 9780810886773 This is a substantial compendium of papers - running to some 650 pages - examining the distinctly insubstantial thesis that we...
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