The Nativity: History and Legend
by Geza Vermes
Penguin Books, £7.99 (pb), ISBN 0-141-12446-1
Christian dogma rests on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and in...
That's Bollocks!: Urban Legends, Conspiracy Theories and Old Wives' Tales
by Albert Jack
Penguin Books, £12.99 (hb), ISBN 0 140 51574 7
…You said it, pal. You...
Just Another Day: The Science and Technology of our Everyday Lives
by Adam Hart-Davis
Orion Books, ISBN 0752873342
Given the relentless tide of mind-shrinking nonsense that drenches...
Opus Dei: The Truth About Its Rituals, Secrets and Power
by John L Allen
Penguin Books, £8.99 (pb), ISBN 0141024658
Thanks to Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code...
Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife
by Mary Roach
Norton Paperback, £12.69, ISBN 978-0-393-32912-4
Is there life after death and, if so, how can we find out? One...
After Atheism: Science, Religion and the Meaning of Life
By Mark Vernon
Palgrave Macmillan £18.99 ISBN 0230013414
It is a shame that Mark Vernon and his version...
Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears About Encountering Extraterrestrials
By Michael A G Michaud
Copernicus Books (Springer Science + Business Media),
£17.50 (hb), ISBN 0-387-28598-9