
The Problem of the Soul: Two visions of mind and how to reconcile them

The Problem of the Soul: Two Visions of Mind and How to Reconcile Them by Owen Flanagan Basic Books, $16.95, ISBN 0465024610 This philosophical report on where...

Mortal Minds: A Biology of the Soul and the Dying Experience

Mortal Minds: The Biology of Near Death Experiences by G.M. Woerlee De Tijdstroom, 25 Euros, ISBN 90 5898 057 X Gerry Woerlee is an anaesthesiologist with many...

Brainwashing: The science of thought control

Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control by Kathleen Taylor Oxford University Press, £18.99, ISBN 0-19-280496-0 This is a book of three parts. In the first section, Taylor...

Trust: From Socrates to Spin

Trust: ..From Socrates to Spin by Kieron O’Hara Icon Books, £12.99, ISBN 1 840446 531 X Trust, as the author points out, is a universal component...

The Ancestor’s Tale

The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins Orion Books, £25.00 (hb), ISBN 0-297-82503-8 There being, by now, not much room left to drive further nails into the coffin...

Fabulous Science: Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery

Fabulous Science: Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery by John Waller Oxford University Press, £8.99 (pb), ISBN 0198609396 Waller’s main theme is our predilection...

The Whole Story: Alternative Medicine on Trial?

The Whole Story: Alternative Medicine on Trial? by Toby Murcott Macmillan, £16.99 (hb), ISBN 1403945004 Murcott, who trained as a biochemist, writes on complementary and alternative medicine...

Dawkins’ God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life

Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life by Alister McGrath Blackwell, £45.00 (hb), £9.99 (pb), ISBN 1-4051-2539-X (hb), 1-4051-2538-1 (pb) McGrath, a theologian and former...
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