Demons of the Modern World
by Malcolm McGrath
Prometheus Books, $32, 1-57392-935-2
Demons of the Modern World is an investigation into the subject of supposed ritual satanic...
Think for Yourself!: Questioning Pressures to Conform
by Dr Sharon Presley
Ronin Press, USA $13.95, Europe $25, ISBN 1579510501
This is a small book, only 127 pages,...
Skeptical Philosophy for Everyone
by Richard H. Popkin and Avrum Stroll
Prometheus Books, ISBN 1-57392-936-0
Skeptical Philosophy for Everyone presents a history of major philosophical controversies by...
Seeing Ghosts: Experiences of the Paranormal
by Hilary Evans
John Murray, £19.99, ISBN 0-7195-5492 6
Hilary Evans is well known to readers of The Skeptic for the...
Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion and the Nature of Society
by David Sloan Wilson
Chicago University Press, ISBN 0-226-90134-3
Wilson argues that the social phenomenon of religion can...
XTL: Life in Space and How to Find It
by Simon Goodwin and John Gribbin
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, £12.99, ISBN 1-84188-193-7
The authors of this book are...
I Have Landed: Splashes and Reflections in Natural History
by Stephen Jay Gould
Jonathan Cape, £17.99 ISBN 0-224-06299-9
Twenty-five years after his first popular science essay collection,...
Conned Again, Watson: Cautionary Tales of Logic, Math and Probability
by Colin Bruce
Vintage, £7.99, ISBN 0099428571
This book fizzes with ideas, paradoxes and problems, drawn mainly...