Everything You Know is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Life
by Russ Kick (Editor)
The Disinformation Company Ltd, £17.99, ISBN 0971394202
This is a compilation...
The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living
by Fritjof Capra
Flamingo, £8.99, ISBN 000655158 0
Fritjof Capra is a physicist who has produced a series of...
A Devil's Chaplain: Selected Writings
by Richard Dawkins
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, £16.99, ISBN 0297829734
Dawkins has done so much to promote the scientific and sceptical outlook that...
The Scientist, the Madman, the Thief and their Lightbulb
by Keith Tutt
Simon & Schuster, £7.00, ISBN 0743449762
This fascinating book covers a good selection, though admittedly...
Flat Earth? Round Earth?
by Theresa Martin
Prometheus Books, $12, ISBN 1573929883
Two schoolboys argue about the shape of the world. The teacher says it’s a sphere,...
The Sense of Being Stared at: And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind
by Rupert Sheldrake
Hutchinson, £17.99, ISBN 0091794633
This is a book about human and...
Eureka!: The Birth of Science
by Andrew Gregory
Icon Books UK, £6.99, ISBN 1840463740
Books on philosophy are often encyclopeadic and hard to digest, interesting but boring;...
Darwin and the Barnacle
by Rebecca Stott
Faber, £14.99, ISBN 0571209661
What happens when someone brought up as a strict Christian fundamentalist abandons her faith and writes...