
Test Your Science IQ

Test Your Science IQ by Charles J Cazeau Prometheus Books, $20, ISBN 1573928518 To get my moan about the title out of the way first: the IQ...

Deep Time

Deep Time: Cladistics, The Revolution in Evolution by Henry Gee Fourth Estate, ISBN 1857029879 The blurb makes the large claim that Gee “shows us how everything we...

The Gateway to Atlantis

Gateway to Atlantis: The Search for the Source of a Lost Civilisation by Andrew Collins Headline Book Publishing, £7.99, ISBN 0747261377 A search on brings up...

The UFOs That Never Were

The UFOs That Never Were by Jenny Randles, Andy Roberts and David Clarke London House, £16.99, ISBN 1902809351 This book is a surprise. The authors are well-known...

Alas, Poor Darwin

Alas, Poor Darwin: Escaping Evolutionary Psychology by Hilary Rose and Steven Rose (Editors) Jonathan Cape, £17.99, ISBN 0224060309 Here’s another volley in the so-called “Darwin Wars”, an...

Dancing Naked in the Mind Field

Dancing Naked in the Mind Field by Kary Mullis Bloomsbury Publishing, £7.99, 0747545537 Someone once observed that the real title of every book ever written is How...

The Man Who Found the Missing Link

The Man Who Found the Missing Link: The Extraordinary Life of Eugene Dubois by Pat Shipman Weidenfeld and Nicholson, £25.00, 0297842900 This is not a biography in...

Love and Eugenics in the Late Nineteenth Century

Love and Eugenics in the Late Nineteenth Century: Rational Reproduction and the New Woman by Angelique Richardson Oxford University Press, 2002, £45, ISBN 0198187009 Nowadays Nowadays eugenics...
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