The ParaScience Pack
by Uri Geller and Ron van der Meer
Van der Meer Publishing, £29.99, ISBN 1902413520
It’s not every book that comes complete with its...
The Queen's Conjuror: the science and magic of Doctor Dee
by Benjamin Woolley
HarperCollins, £15.99, ISBN 0002571390
This fascinating book begins with a gripping introduction in which...
Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination
by Gerald Edelman and Giulio Tononi
Penguin, £20.00, ISBN 0713993081
If you have ever read (or tried) Edelman’s previous books you might...
Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud
by Robert Park
Oxford University Press, £18.99, ISBN 0198507453
This is an extremely enjoyable and readable book. Robert Park...
Star in the East: Krishnamurti, the Invention of a Messiah
by Roland Vernon
Constable, £20, ISBN 0094764808
What happens if you are trained from childhood to be...
Dreaming the Future: The Fantastic Story of Prediction
by Clifford A Pickover
Prometheus Books, $20, ISBN 157392895X
I must confess that I do not like books that...
The Secret Scroll
by Andrew Sinclair
Sinclair-Stevenson, UKP 24.99, ISBN 0953739864
The cover promises that this book will reveal the links between the Holy Land and Venice...