
The question isn’t whether Jesus was really Palestinian – it’s whether that even matters

Jesus was likely born in what is now Palestine, and he was Jewish - but neither fact should have any bearing on modern geopolitical conflicts

Can we really identify the ancient disasters described in ancient myths?

Many scholars have tried to identify the real events that inspired ancient myths - but with populations migrating, and stories changing, any connection to real history may be long lost

John Harvey Kellogg: the ‘Biologic Living’ theories of the inventor of corn flakes

Latterly famous for his breakfast cereal invention, John Harvey Kellogg was a religious zealot, eugenicist, and highly prominent early 20th Century quack

‘Fan Tai Sui’: The Chinese superstitious belief that your birth date has offended the gods

In Chinese tradition, your birthdate can occasionally be seen as unlucky - which is why people spend money to appease the gods they fear their birth has offended

Closed coffins and open coffers: the costs of Singaporean Chinese funeral practices

Chinese funerals are extremely expensive, with prescriptive periods of extended mourning - but their value is for the living, not the dead

Joss paper offerings: how to make Chinese hell a fun place for your ancestors

Chinese mourners traditionally burn paper offerings for dead relatives - but recently, the practice has expanded to involve paper versions of iPhones and luxury goods

Regality in the modern world: can a skeptic be a monarchist?

As the world watched on at the coronation of Charles Windsor, it's reasonable to ask: is there still a role for monarchy in the modern world?

Russell Crowe’s new film ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’ tries to depict priests as superheroes

Funded by a Catholic religious order, 'The Pope's Exorcist', starring Russell Crowe, feels like a mix of Harry Potter and Dracula
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