
How the conspiracy theorists behind the failed US coup settled on a new date: March 4th

When the attempted coup of January 6th failed, supporters of Qanon picked up the Sovereign Citizen belief that the revolution would take place on March 4th

The carefully-woven conspiracy theories behind the attempted coup of January 6th

The forces that made the attempted coup of January 6th inevitable are still around - give them another spark and it will explode again.

Kardecism: the fringe spiritualist doctrine which became the soul of pseudoscience in Brazil

Kardecism - an 19th century off-shoot of spiritualism - found fertile ground in Brazil, and grew to wholly undermine trust in science and medicine.

Brazilian Congress turns green – not for the environment, but for homeopathy

Brazil continues to make baffling healthcare decisions, including lighting up the Brazilian congress buildings... in honour of homeopathy

How religion trumped science in America’s coronavirus response

There's a lot of blame to be apportioned when it comes to America's Coronavirus response - and religion needs to take its share

Brazil’s government throw their weight behind Creationism and Intelligent Design

Driven by the Discovery Institute, Creationism and Intelligent Design have been gaining ground in Brazil, and finding support in government.

Hydroxychloroquine: when bad science goes mainstream

As covid-19 spreads across Brazil, Natalia Pasternak and Carlos Orsi highlight how one purported miracle cure found friends in very high places.

The sinister side of public policy.

On 1st November, following the sacking of Prof David Nutt, Ryan O’Meara, Editor-in-Chief of K9 Magazine, published the podcast below exploring evidence based policy. He...
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