
The Scientific Study of Society

The Scientific Study of Society by Max Steuer Kluwer, ISBN 1402073216 There has been much noise from postmodernist quarters and other niches claiming that social science is...

Fifty Key Thinkers in Psychology

Fifty Key Thinkers in Psychology (Routledge Key Guides) by Noel Sheehy Routledge, ISBN 0 415 16774 4 (hbk), 0 415 16775 2 Psychologists will recognize the usual...

Pseudoscience and the Paranormal

Pseudoscience and the Paranormal: Science and the Paranormal by Terence Hines Prometheus Books, $21.00, ISBN 1573929794 Is there no limit to the number of strange things people...


Inamorata by Joseph Gangemi Viking, $24.95 ISBN 0-67-03279-4 I suspect that many of us who are intrigued by paranormal phenomena also enjoy a good mystery. Inamorata satisfies both appetites. In...

Hoaxes, Myths and Manias

Hoaxes, Myths and Manias: Why We Need Critical Thinking by Robert E Bartholomew and Benjamin Radford Prometheus, ISBN 1591020484 Readers of this journal will hardly need to...

Why We Exist

Why We Exist: Inferences from Science for an Explanation of Human Purpose by Eugene Bell-Gam Pen Press Publishers Ltd, £9.99, ISBN 1-904018-86-6 Judging by the title alone...

Love and Eugenics in the Late Nineteenth Century

Love and Eugenics in the Late Nineteenth Century: Rational Reproduction and the New Woman by Angelique Richardson Oxford University Press, £45, ISBN 0198187009 Nowadays eugenics is a...

Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology

Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology by Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, Jeffrey M. Lohr (Editors) Guilford Press, 2003, £31.95, ISBN 1572308281 This is a US...
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