
Why Statues Weep: The Best of the Skeptic

We are in the final stages of producing a "Best of the Skeptic" volume by the title of "Why Statues Weep". The Skeptic magazine...

The Open Habitat Project

Background information As part of the development of our internet presence The Skeptic Magazine is collaborating with the Open Habitat Project in...

Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture by Alan Sokal

OUP,  £20.00, ISBN 978-0-19-923920-7 A decade ago, Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont published Intellectual Impostures: Postmodern Philosophers’ Abuse of Science, a book written to provide...

Jinn from Hyperspace: And Other Scribblings – Both Serious and Whimsical by Martin Gardner

Prometheus Books, ISBN-10: 1591025656 Another Gardner book is always good news, for both skeptics and aficionados of science and mathematics. Over the last fifty years,...

Counter-Knowledge: How we Surrendered to Conspiracy Theories, Quack Medicine, Bogus Science and Fake History by Damian Thompson

Atlantic Books,  £7.99 (pb), ISBN 10: 1843546760 This book is an impressive new addition to the now well-established genre of sceptical works critiquing largely irrational...

The Paperback Apocalypse: how the Christian Church was left behind by Robert M. Price

Prometheus Books, £12.99 (pb), ISBN-10: 1591025834 This book could probably only have been published in America, though it may not be as widely read there...

2012: The Year Of The Mayan Prophecy by Daniel Pinchbeck

Piatkus, £9.99 (pb), ISBN-10: 0749927607 Many non-mainstream thinkers are currently focusing on the now familiar fact that the 5000-year Mayan “Long Count” reaches an endpoint...

Occult London by Merlin Coverley

Pocket Essentials, £9.99  (hb), ISBN 978-1-904048-88-6 It’s hard to see the purpose of this book, which offers no new insights or information, just a series...
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