OUP, £20.00, ISBN 978-0-19-923920-7
A decade ago, Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont published Intellectual Impostures: Postmodern Philosophers’ Abuse of Science, a book written to provide...
Prometheus Books, ISBN-10: 1591025656
Another Gardner book is always good news, for both skeptics and aficionados of science and mathematics. Over the last fifty years,...
Atlantic Books, £7.99 (pb), ISBN 10: 1843546760
This book is an impressive new addition to the now well-established genre of sceptical works critiquing largely irrational...
Prometheus Books, £12.99 (pb), ISBN-10: 1591025834
This book could probably only have been published in America, though it may not be as widely read there...
Piatkus, £9.99 (pb), ISBN-10: 0749927607
Many non-mainstream thinkers are currently focusing on the now familiar fact that the 5000-year Mayan “Long Count” reaches an endpoint...
Pocket Essentials, £9.99 (hb), ISBN 978-1-904048-88-6
It’s hard to see the purpose of this book, which offers no new insights or information, just a series...