
Spreading Fake News

J K ROWLING RECENTLY apologised for a tweet in which she had criticised Donald Trump for apparently deliberately ignoring a disabled child’s attempts to...

RIP Hitch

Anthony Burns ruminates on Hitch’s persistent preoccupations, and wonders aloud about that supposed move from left to right “For a lot of people, their first...

Can You Catch Morgellons from the Internet?

Natasha Byrne investigates the role of a very modern medium in the proliferation of a very modern condition It’s enough to make your skin crawl:...

Behaving Like Animals

  Tessa Kendall looks at primatologist Frans de Waal’s work to muse upon the origin of our better natures Is human nature a beast that needs...

I Swear by Almighty God

A LITTLE OVER TWO YEARS AGO I was invited to be part of a radio show discussing proposals that the oath taken in the...

Alternative Facts

“WE HAVE BEEN FIGHTING ‘alternative facts’ for decades, haven’t we?” a fellow long-serving skeptic said recently. Indeed we have, even though it never occurred to...

‘Legal Name Fraud’ – The Truth? It’s hogwash

In 2016, we covered the series of strange billboards which began to crop up across the UK, promoting the Freedom of the Land conspiracy theory.

A science of networks: visualising connections using Game of Thrones characters

Andrew Beveridge's analysis of the character interactions in Game of Thrones describes how we can visualise contexts & connections
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