
Nesta Helen Webster: the far-right author who popularised the antisemitic Illuminati conspiracy

The Qanon movement regurgiates old antisemitic tropes that echo back to the Illuminati conspiracy theories pushed by Nesta Helen Webster

Putting Some Skeptical Mantras to Bed

As skeptics, we hear the same sayings and mantras repeated again and again, but we rarely pause to consider if they're useful... or even true

Qanon’s references to ‘Adrenochome’ echo old, anti-Semitic Blood Libel myths

Adrenochrome has become a central part of the Qanon theory, despite 'Q' never mentioning it; its history is long, and deeply anti-Semitic.

Kardecism: the fringe spiritualist doctrine which became the soul of pseudoscience in Brazil

Kardecism - an 19th century off-shoot of spiritualism - found fertile ground in Brazil, and grew to wholly undermine trust in science and medicine.

Cheap talk skepticism: why we need to push back against those who are ‘just asking questions’

'Cheap talk' skepticism - coming at little cost to the doubter, but significant cost to others - is undermining genuine skeptical inquiry.

The Outbrain drain: why newspaper sites have run thousands of scam ads

The news media is in an income crisis, but the solution cannot be for newspapers to lend their reputations to scams and fakers

How to spot medical misinformation in a pandemic: our top 10 tips

As medical misinformation and dubious claims continue to spread, we present our guide to help you separate fact from fiction.

Christmas as we know it is appropriated, co-opted, bastardised… and thoroughly magical

There's plenty to be skeptical about when it comes to the origins of Christmas, but that won't stop me embracing the warmth and magic of it all.
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