
Netflix’s Seaspiracy, and how to spot misinformation in glossy documentaries

Seaspiracy is just the latest example of a documentary using style and glossy production to hide the fact that it's peddling misinformation

The American Culture War: Coming soon to a politics near you

Culture war issues have long been used to try to derail social progress, but as exhausting as they are, they're worth pushing back against

Recovering memories: How the Satanic Panic led to false reports of horrific abuse

The 1980s saw a rise in belief that Satanic ritual abuse was everywhere - however, the real problems were false memories and moral panic

“Fake Medicine”: Dr Brad McKay skilfully takes apart health advice from Dr Google

Professor Edzard Ernst reviews the new book "Fake Medicine", from Australian science communicator and skeptic Dr Brad McKay

Falsification: Karl Popper’s guide to telling real science from pseudoscience

According to Popper's Falsification, a proposition, theory or hypothesis is only as strong as how far it can resist falsifying evidence.

Coping with Death: Why the 5 stages of grief don’t tell the whole story

The five stages of grief are a overly simplistic representation of the grieving process, and one that was never intended by their creator

The Great Reset: political pipe dream, or sinister New World Order plot?

When world leaders talk of a Great Reset, conspiracy theorists hear a malevolent plan to destroy society and erode civil liberties

Jordan Peterson is wrong: medical error is absolutely not the ‘third leading cause of death’

Peterson's claim that "medicine kills more people than it helps" is the latest in a long line of demonstrably false claims - yet his fans continue to hang off his every word
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