
Hemlock is not a big threat to school children – crumbling pavements and busy roads are

Headlines warn of a poisonous plant endangering our children's lives, but we should be less worried about hemlock and more worried about the safety of our public footpaths and pavements

Ten times the unexpected appearance of pseudoscience ruined entertainment

Few things can interrupt your enjoyment of a film or TV show like an unexpected endorsement of pseudoscience - here's our top 10 worst woo-turns

The Sound of Freedom: thinking of the children shouldn’t stop us from thinking rationally

Our modern concern for children has been exploited by activists and politicians, like the QAnon-adjacent makers of The Sound of Freedom

‘Fan Tai Sui’: The Chinese superstitious belief that your birth date has offended the gods

In Chinese tradition, your birthdate can occasionally be seen as unlucky - which is why people spend money to appease the gods they fear their birth has offended

The Ockham Awards 2023: recognising the best in skepticism, and the worst in pseudoscience

Nominations for the 2023 Ockham Awards are now open, with our annual award for Skeptical Activism and our Rusty Razor award for pseudoscience.

Closed coffins and open coffers: the costs of Singaporean Chinese funeral practices

Chinese funerals are extremely expensive, with prescriptive periods of extended mourning - but their value is for the living, not the dead

Hit them in the feels: confirmation bias and the emotional component of reason

We may see ourselves as rational decision makers, but we are all prone to judging ideas based on how well they agree with what we already think

What really happened in the case of the Philadelphia Experiment?

According to legend, in 1943 the USS Eldridge disappeared, victim of an experiment gone wrong - but the reality was much more mundane
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