Moral Panics

15 minute cities: the latest big bad of the conspiracy theory ecosystem

Why did 15 minute cities go from a niche town planning proposal to a full-blown paranoia? Because existing conspiracist networks needed their next big fear

If Vladimir Putin wants to label liberals and the West “Satanic”, so be it

As the invasion of Ukraine continues to falter, Putin has sought to justify his actions with accusations of Satanism - by which he really means Western liberal values

Defending Critical Race Theory is impossible without highlighting the moral panic around it

Defining Critical Race Theory will do nothing to deter culture war figures from stoking the CRT moral panic - we need to call out their tactics, rather than play into their hands

Technophobia: Facebook and computers cause cancer; typewriters apparently don’t

From the archives in 2011, Mark Williams looks at media scaremongering around technology being to blame for social ills
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