Moral Panics

The recent New Jersey drone scare tells us a lot about how panics spread

The New Jersey drone scare is a perfect case study in how panics seize on oddities and unfounded speculation in order to spread fear

The wealthy, conservative American Christian groups pushing anti-abortion protests in the UK

"Woman arrested for praying" is the latest in a string of legal cases used by US conservative Christian organisations to fight against progress in the UK

The Satanic Panic and the McMartin pre-school trial

In 1983, lurid and extreme tales of abuse emerged from a pre-school in California; the allegations were false, as was the rest of the Satanic Panic

Decades on, we still haven’t fully learned the right lessons from the Satanic Panic

Drawing on her work as journalist at the time, Rosie Waterhouse's "Satanic Panic - A Modern Myth" details the creation of the notorious moral panic

The Better Way conspiracy conference went all-in on the moral panic around trans people

Of all the conspiracy theories promoted at last year's Better Way conference, trans moral panic never came up - sadly, this year they rectified that oversight

The Sound of Freedom: thinking of the children shouldn’t stop us from thinking rationally

Our modern concern for children has been exploited by activists and politicians, like the QAnon-adjacent makers of The Sound of Freedom

The Oceangate tragedy has brought some of society’s ghouls to the surface

Tragedies like the implosion of the Oceangate Titan submersible inevitably attract a slew of people trying to exploit them for their own agenda

Beware the book ban: schools and libraries are a battleground in the culture war

Moral panics and culture war point-scoring are driving book bans in the US - and, given America's culture dominance, around the rest of the world too
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