
When shows like Pod Save America run pseudoscience ads, they undermine their credibility

Podcast hosts have a real intimacy with their listeners - that trust is eroded when they advertise snake oil supplements and pseudoscience

The Outbrain drain: why newspaper sites have run thousands of scam ads

The news media is in an income crisis, but the solution cannot be for newspapers to lend their reputations to scams and fakers

Time Team’s archaeologists showed us how experts can ruthlessly unpick a hoax

Channel 4's archaeology show Time Team's quiet destruction of a would-be hoaxer was a glorious illustration of the power of calm, patient expertise

From scam product ads to conspiracy theories, misinformation always adapts to survive

The techniques developed by affiliate marketers to spread scam products mirrors the way in which conspiracy theories nimbly adapt to spread misinformation

Technophobia: Facebook and computers cause cancer; typewriters apparently don’t

From the archives in 2011, Mark Williams looks at media scaremongering around technology being to blame for social ills

Levity on the Web: how the internet facilitates pseudoscience – and skepticism

From the archives, Steve Donnelly reflects on the role of the internet in spreading and promoting pseudoscience - and allowing skeptics to expose it

Shirley Ghostman and me

From time to time I get contacted by TV shows wanting a skeptic to spar against a psychic. This time a producer from Tiger Aspect wanted me for a show they were doing on psychics for BBC2.

From the archives: Nick Pullar – Shirley Ghostman and me

From the archives in 2005, Nick Pullar recollects his run with the mysterious and bewildering TV psychic, Shirley Ghostman
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