
The history of the European Council of Skeptical Organisations and European Skeptics Congress

Since 1989, skeptics from across Europe have collaborated to organise the European Skeptics Congress - this year sees the 20th event, in Lyon, France.

The strange and deeply unlikely tale of Gef the talking mongoose

Gef the talking mongoose - supernatural resident of an Isle of Man farmhouse - is legendary in skeptical lore... even if he was merely the invention of a 13 year old girl

Europa: The Last Battle – the antisemitic documentary going viral among the far right

The makers of the viral documentary Europa: The Last Battle want viewers to believe Jewish people rule and control the world - and they have a far-right audience primed to believe it

The story of Phineas Gage’s accident is well-known; what happened to him afterwards is not

What happened to Phineas Gage after his traumatic brain injury is a legend that has warped in its telling, but the real story shows us how remarkable the brain truly is

The substitute king ritual in Ancient Mesopotamia: an elegant solution to inevitable fate

When the death of the king was prophecised in Ancient Mesopotamia, the solution was to substitute in a regal stand in - and then kill him

Can we really identify the ancient disasters described in ancient myths?

Many scholars have tried to identify the real events that inspired ancient myths - but with populations migrating, and stories changing, any connection to real history may be long lost

John Harvey Kellogg: the ‘Biologic Living’ theories of the inventor of corn flakes

Latterly famous for his breakfast cereal invention, John Harvey Kellogg was a religious zealot, eugenicist, and highly prominent early 20th Century quack

Why inaccuracies in Bill Cooper’s influential conspiracy theory book serve as its strength

Bill Cooper's highly-influential 1990s conspiracy theory book Behold A Pale Horse is riddled with inaccuracies - but for fans, these errors are actually proof that he was right
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