
Hit them in the feels: confirmation bias and the emotional component of reason

We may see ourselves as rational decision makers, but we are all prone to judging ideas based on how well they agree with what we already think

Replicating a classic false memory study: Lost in the mall again

A recent successful replication of the famous "Lost in the mall" study on false memories shows how valuable it is to revisit and retest accepted psychological effects

Do dreams sometimes replay repressed memories of trauma experienced long ago?

While many people still believe that dreams can reveal long-suppressed traumatic memories, the evidence suggests they're more likely to implant new, false memories

The myth of the well-filled slate: we shouldn’t discount the influence of society on our lives

Twenty years after Steven Pinker's "The Blank Slate", we should be wary of those who make claims about innate traits that separate nature from nurture

The Transparent Psi Project: the results are in, so where are all the headlines?

Daryl Bem's precognition studies made worldwide headlines in 2011 - yet it's easy to predict proof Bem's work was flawed won't get the same attention

When we enforce our taboo against inbreeding, we shouldn’t pretend that nature agrees

Inbreeding is seen as a gross taboo in many parts of the world, but a new study suggests it is far more common in nature than we might be comfortable admitting.

Ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night…

A new study supports the notion that poor sleep quality leads to an increase in sleep paralysis - and a rise in reports of paranormal experiences

After 30 years, the British False Memory Society is (not) set to close

Since 1993, the British False Memory Society has been supporting parents accused of abuse via memories apparently 'recovered' during psychotherapy
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