P-hacking, or massaging of trial data and analysis in order to present a statistically relevant finding, distorts the scientific literature, and over-promotes dubious discoveries
The solution to the climate crisis isn't to convince people to lean into spirituality and treat the earth as sacred - doing so merely distracts from holding the powerful to account
Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer's research claims powerful mind-over-matter effects, based on small studies with implausible outcomes - we should be skeptical
Toby Young's Daily Sceptic vociferously champions pseudoscientific conclusions, while his Free Speech Union defends those positions with which he agrees.
Plant neurobiologists have come to promote the idea that plants have a form of rudimentary sentience, but the evidence is slim, and the explanation is unnecessary
Given the need for climate action has never been more urgent, Zero Hour and Extinction Rebellion are putting climate change firmly on the political agenda