
The Death and Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

On the 29th January, 1951, a woman named Henrietta Lacks called into John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, complaining that she felt a ‘knot’ in...

A science of networks: visualising connections using Game of Thrones characters

Andrew Beveridge's analysis of the character interactions in Game of Thrones describes how we can visualise contexts & connections

From the archives: A comet’s tale

From the archives in 2012, Mark Duwe takes a look at a comet in the sky, and the appearances of comets throughout history

The Carrington Event and massive solar storms: just how screwed are we?

From the archives, Mark Duwe ponders the Carrington Event, and the effect that a massive solar event would have on the Earth

Ipso Factoid: Daily Mail in Mildly Educational Shocker

The Daily Mail recently produced a list of questions commonly asked of parents by their naturally curious children about science and the world around...

Ipso Factoid: *insert gratuitous sexual pun here*

In a wonderful opportunity (duly ignored) to prove our maturity as a society, both the Times and Daily Mail had headlines declaring "What an...

IPSO FACTOID: Well That’s It Then, Science Is Over

Pack up the Bunsen burners and power down the computers because Science Is Dying! This wonderfully nonsensical claim is thanks to Daniel Henninger of...

IPSO FACTOID: Of Mice and Men- Sensationalized ‘journalism’ has got it all wrong

Following all the hoo-ha we've seen recently over the cervical cancer vaccination, it was with some interest I noted that the Daily Mail hailed...
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