Climate Change

Given his life-long promotion of pseudoscience, what threat will Charles III pose to skepticism?

As head of state, will Charles realise his life-long lobbying for alternative medicine is over, or will he use his newfound power to evade transparency?

‘Expertise’ isn’t gate-keeping, it’s our best way of understanding how the climate is changing

Climate change deniers who blame volcanoes for rising atmospheric CO2 only show that they place no value at all on relevant expertise

Yes, climate change deniers, that’s definitely our carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Despite what some climate change deniers might have you think, the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is measurably and quantifiably the result of human emissions.

Why the climate change deniers’ argument that “CO2 is simply plant food” doesn’t stand up

The idea that rising CO2 levels are good, because CO2 is plant food, is a cop-out by climate change deniers designed to shut down scientific discourse.

Jordan Peterson, climate change, and the many definitions of a scientific model

Celebrity psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson's views on climate change show a fundamental misunderstanding of scientific models

Greenwashing won’t wash – fossil fuel companies need to take real action on climate change

It's not enough for fossil fuel companies to publicly step away from climate change denial - they need to take responsibility, and take action to avert a climate catastrophe

Climate change deniers are using COVID-19 as a cover for questioning scientific integrity

When calls for greater scrutiny of scientific integrity come from climate change deniers and lockdown 'sceptics', we would be right to be wary of their intentions

Professor Christopher Essex: denialism meets philosophy of science

Professor Christopher Essex, chair of a climate change denial charity, argues we shouldn't trust science, but presents a deeply unworkable alternative.
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