The Kentucky Alien Invasion: putting to bed the myths and mysteries

While plenty is known about the 1955 Kentucky Alien Invasion, some of the 'facts' most commonly shared by Skeptics are, themselves, more misinformation and rumour

Guns and Goblins: what really happened during the Kentucky Alien Invasion?

As one of the most prominent paranormal cases of the 20th century, a lot is known about the Kentucky Goblins case - so, what really happened?

A skeptical perspective on the Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference 2023

Earlier this year, Glasgow hosted the Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference, with speakers spreading all manner of baseless and unevidenced paranormal speculation.

What really happened in the case of the Philadelphia Experiment?

According to legend, in 1943 the USS Eldridge disappeared, victim of an experiment gone wrong - but the reality was much more mundane

AI and the Spread of Pseudoscience and Misinformation: a warning… from an AI

To find out how AI might accelerate the spread of pseudoscience and misinformation, we asked something of an expert: AI chatbot Chat GPT

Thoroughgoing scepticism: applying a critical thinking toolset, and following the evidence

Whether it comes to the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, the historicity or Jesus or the proposed solutions to the climate crisis, it's important for skeptics to follow the evidence

The Calvine UFO photo: skeptics and believers seek to explain the 30 year old images

The Calvine UFO photo, taken in 1990, resurfaced recently, bringing with it a wave of speculation from UFO believers and skeptics alike

75 years on, the Roswell mythology continues to captivate ufologists and the public alike

Three quarters of a century later, the Roswell mythology is still alive and well - even as the facts of the original reports get twisted and overlooked
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