
The longest Nessie sighting on record: Cameron’s 1965 Loch Ness report

While many eye witnesses have claimed to see something mysterious and paranormal in Loch Ness, Ian Cameron's 1965 report remains one of the longest and most enduring alleged sightings

Mas Sajady: the Get Well quantum guru who just wants to know if he makes sense

Despite promising the secret to natural medicine and the ability to stop ageing, Mas Sajady resembles a psychic show without the mysticism

The Festival of Wellness: my first-hand experience of a pseudoscience fair

Visiting mind, body, spirit events like the The Festival of Wellness can be an eye-opening experience, and a valuable insight into a world of woo

Tall tales: ancient British giants, Stonehenge, and the mythological founding of Albion

Was Britain really founded by a race of ancient mythical giants? Obviously not, but try telling that to attendees at the Awakenings Expo

Lytham’s ‘Beast of Green Drive’: The Monster that almost certainly wasn’t

Once residents of Lytham began reporting sightings of a mysterious beast, a local legend was born - one that believers wouldn't give up in a hurry

The Calvine UFO photo: skeptics and believers seek to explain the 30 year old images

The Calvine UFO photo, taken in 1990, resurfaced recently, bringing with it a wave of speculation from UFO believers and skeptics alike

Hollow Earth flying saucers: the bossa-nova of pseudoscience

The belief in a hollow earth - filled with inhabitants, animals and aliens - can be traced back, in part, to the new-age movement in Brazil

Creating a Monster: the case of Eachy, the Wikipedia monster of Bassenthwaite

The online life (and eventual death) of Eachy, the monster of Bassenthwaite lake, shows the potential risk of feedback loops in Wikipedia's citation policies
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