
The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: On knowing more than we know we know

While the messages at Glastonbury Abbey almost certainly did not come from spirits, a number of studies have shown that they may not have been created by deliberate fraud

When the Ancient Aliens came to Blackpool: reporting from Awakenings Expo 2022

At the Awakenings Expo in Blackpool, Ancient Aliens celebrities Erich von Däniken and Giorgio A Tsoukalos sought to distance themselves from the more extreme alien claims

Bizarre double death: spontaneous human combustion, or merely tragic coincidence?

Alice Ann Kirby and her little sister Amy died in separate, mysterious fires - some claim spontaneous human combustion explains the double tragedy

75 years on, the Roswell mythology continues to captivate ufologists and the public alike

Three quarters of a century later, the Roswell mythology is still alive and well - even as the facts of the original reports get twisted and overlooked

The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: When the spirit moves you

Critics often accuse Bligh of making up his claims about automatic writing, but experiments show that it's quite possible that he was sincere, albeit mistaken, in his claims

The Hairy Hands of Devon: how a tabloid tale spiraled into a full-blown urban legend

Legendary horror stories of monstrously hairy hands sending drivers in Devon to their death can be traced back to a spate of tabloid tales in the 1920s

The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: Messages from the other side?

Bligh Bond's 1919 book 'The Gates of Remembrance' is one of the first documented examples of so-called psychic archaeology, claimed to be written using automatic writing.

“Miracles Today?” A Medical Critique of Craig Keener’s miracle claims

A recently published book claims to present stories of miraculous healings brought about by prayer, yet there remains no good evidence of even a single Christ-like miracle
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