A modern take on the Spirit Box, the Estes Method is similarly doomed to fail, as long as ghost hunters continue to put their biases ahead of the science
Earlier this year, Glasgow hosted the Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference, with speakers spreading all manner of baseless and unevidenced paranormal speculation.
In his new book, sociologist Jeffrey S. Debies-Carl examines 'legend tripping': the adolescent rite of passage of seeking out purported sites of creepy or paranormal experiences
While the messages at Glastonbury Abbey almost certainly did not come from spirits, a number of studies have shown that they may not have been created by deliberate fraud
Critics often accuse Bligh of making up his claims about automatic writing, but experiments show that it's quite possible that he was sincere, albeit mistaken, in his claims
Bligh Bond's 1919 book 'The Gates of Remembrance' is one of the first documented examples of so-called psychic archaeology, claimed to be written using automatic writing.