Placebo Effect

Overly simplistic headlines muddy the water around placebo effects and mislead the public

Recent headlines claim we 'finally know' how placebos work, thanks to a trial that is little more than Pavlovian conditioning. No wonder the public is confused

Hotels and houseplants: why we should doubt Ellen Langer’s mind-over-matter miracles

Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer's research claims powerful mind-over-matter effects, based on small studies with implausible outcomes - we should be skeptical

The power of placebo-controls has little to do with the placebo-effect

Randomisation ensures treatment and control groups are as similar as possible when beginning a study - placebo controls ensure they are similar during a study

More wishful thinking than medical reality: “Placebos” by Kathryn T. Hall

The 'powerful placebo' is a seductive myth that Kathryn T. Hall's "Placebos" can't resist, even though her grand claims clearly misinterpret what the best available evidence says

The Get Well show proved that for its fans, even when pseudoscience fails, it succeeds

Lynne McTaggart's talk at her recent Get Well show was filled with tales of pseudoscience failing... yet she saw only more incredulous successes

Rather less than more: More or Less misses the mark on placebo effects

In praising the power of the placebo effect, the statistical sleuths at the BBC's More or Less cited small, subjective studies that have failed to replicate

Placebo inhalers can’t treat asthma: another ‘powerful placebo’ myth busted

Patients on placebo inhalers reported that they felt better, even though their lung capacity was objectively the same - this isn't an argument for placebo asthma treatments, but for objective measurements in clinical studies

The idea that four placebo pills are more powerful than two sounds magical – because it isn’t true

The claim that "four placebo pills work better than two placebo pills" is based on a misreading of an outdated study - we need to stop repeating it
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