
The Quantified Self: technological gimmick or genuine game changer?

An obsession with tracking health data via wearables has led to the rise of the 'quantified self' movement - but is our data working for us, or the other way around?

Is the ultra-processed food fear simply the next big nutritional moral panic?

Headline after headline warns about the supposed dangers of ultra-processed foods, but evidence that processing food causes poor health outcomes is lacking

Hotels and houseplants: why we should doubt Ellen Langer’s mind-over-matter miracles

Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer's research claims powerful mind-over-matter effects, based on small studies with implausible outcomes - we should be skeptical

Toby Young’s Daily Sceptic and Free Speech Union are no allies of critical thinkers

Toby Young's Daily Sceptic vociferously champions pseudoscientific conclusions, while his Free Speech Union defends those positions with which he agrees.

Agri-tech: will technology help or hinder food production and animal welfare?

In the last decade, the UK's agricultural sector has invested heavily in new technology - "agri-tech" - in an effort to improve efficiency, while protecting animal welfare

Don’t worry, your pet food brand probably isn’t filled with disease-causing sawdust

Scaremongering claims abound online, warning that the food we feed our beloved animals is packed with sawdust... though the evidence is deeply unconvincing

Debunking the Myths: The Rise of the Anti-Sunscreen Movement

Sunscreen is one of the most highly effective and evidence-based methods of preventing skin cancer, so why is there an online movement discouraging its use?

Does a prohibition-based approach to drugs and disposable vaping make sense?

The government are often swift to ban recreational drugs, even without evidence of harm - but when it comes to disposable vapes, are they right?
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