
Does the colour of a pill really influence what kind of placebo effect you’ll experience?

It's said that pill colour influences what placebo effect people experience, but the primary source for this claim is flimsy at best

Religion is simply a powerful placebo – offering priests a sense of ritual, but little else

Theatrical but ultimately ineffective, religion may be the ultimate placebo effect - as 17th Century priest Jean Meslier realised 300 years ago

Nobody undergoes egg donation for the money – it is about altruism, not exploitation

Egg donors will see a raise in compensation from next month, but campaign groups are wrong when they say this incentivises people to donate

Beware of commercial microbiome tests: how at-home testing can mislead consumers

Despite the marketing claims, research has found no evidence to suggest at-home microbiome tests offer reliable health insights

Med Beds: the futuristic health devices promising to cure you with undefined energy

Beloved by conspiracy theorists, Med Beds are claimed to be able to cure all manner of ailments using unspecified energetic forces... and empty promises

Overly simplistic headlines muddy the water around placebo effects and mislead the public

Recent headlines claim we 'finally know' how placebos work, thanks to a trial that is little more than Pavlovian conditioning. No wonder the public is confused

We shouldn’t fear a “zombie fungus”, like The Last of Us… but a threat from fungi is real

While a zombie-style fungal threat is incredibly unlikely, rising global temperatures mean we're increasingly at risk from a life-threatening fungal pathogen

An awareness of your body is useful, but the Alexander Technique probably isn’t

Any benefits attributed to Alexander Technique are more than likely to be the results of exercise - the expensive programme itself is mostly an exercise in marketing
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