The Illuminati has become the go-to villain in grand narrative conspiracy theories, despite their humble origin as a shortly-lived German Enlightenment group
The Better Way conference wasn't shy to throw in as many medical conspiracy theories as it could find - which is why it was surprising that nobody mentioned the moral panic around trans people
Defining Critical Race Theory will do nothing to deter culture war figures from stoking the CRT moral panic - we need to call out their tactics, rather than play into their hands
The Great Replacement - otherwise known as the Kalergi Plan - has been growing in popularity among conspiracist circles, increasingly driving its followers to horrific actions
In the decades since his death, Nikola Tesla has taken on a mythical status among his devoted followers, who attribute to him all manner of groundbreaking - and ultimately suppressed - inventions
Described by some as the "Davos of COVID conspiracy theorists", the Better Way conference clearly had its sights set on undermining confidence in all vaccines