Conspiracy Theories

Knowledge Fight podcast wins Skeptical Activism Ockham award

Knowledge Fight podcast has today been named the 2023 recipient of the Ockham Award for Skeptical Activism.

Why inaccuracies in Bill Cooper’s influential conspiracy theory book serve as its strength

Bill Cooper's highly-influential 1990s conspiracy theory book Behold A Pale Horse is riddled with inaccuracies - but for fans, these errors are actually proof that he was right

The Rothschild family, and the modern conspiracy theory industry

For 200 years, antisemitic conspiracy theories have centred on one Jewish family in particular: The Rothschilds. A new book, 'Jewish Space Lasers', looks at why that family became a target for conspiracists.

The Better Way conspiracy conference went all-in on the moral panic around trans people

Of all the conspiracy theories promoted at last year's Better Way conference, trans moral panic never came up - sadly, this year they rectified that oversight

Aseem Malhotra’s antivax crusade threatens to undermine trust in doctors – the GMC need to act

The GMC refused to investigate Dr Aseem Malhotra for spreading vaccine misinformation - but a new legal case seeks to challenge their inaction

The Sound of Freedom: thinking of the children shouldn’t stop us from thinking rationally

Our modern concern for children has been exploited by activists and politicians, like the QAnon-adjacent makers of The Sound of Freedom

It’s almost certainly not true that one in four British people think Covid was a hoax

If we are going to make a dent on conspiracy theories we need to accurately understand how prevalent they are - and avoid scaremongering exaggerations

Matt Le Tissier talks to The Skeptic about Covid, vaccines, 15-minute cities and climate change

The Skeptic editor, Michael Marshall, sat down with former footballer Matt Le Tissier to ask why he has become increasingly vocal in his support for conspiracy theories
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