By striking off a dentist making misleading health claims, the GDC and High Court have sent a message to other dentists on the fringes of the profession
Once owners have been persuaded to put their faith in alternative treatments like homeopathy, it can be extremely hard for veterinary professionals to change their mind.
Patients, frustrated by a lack of answers in conventional medicine, sometimes turn to homeopathy - even though it offers even less hope of being effective
Homeopaths around the world are offering remedies to protect against radiation, petitioning the WHO, and calling for wider use of their inert sugar pills
The Gerson Support Group failed to meet the Charity Commission's public benefit test - and it's not the only CAM charity that will fail to clear that hurdle
Patients can find themselves beset from all sides by medical misinformation - and that constant repetition can make it feel like claims of miracle cures have something to them
Evidence alone isn't enough to persuade people that their healthcare professionals have their best interests at heart - we also need to actively listen to people's concerns