Despite growing popularity, the evidence for CBD efficacy in our pets is still in its infancy – meaning these products should not be used before seeking veterinary attention
We should be wary of claims that arsenic is a miracle cure for cancer - especially when those claims are made by a private biotech companies with skin in the game
A viral post from a chiropractor claiming to have saved the life of an airline passenger further demonstrates that alt-med practitioners have no idea of their own limitations
By striking off a dentist making misleading health claims, the GDC and High Court have sent a message to other dentists on the fringes of the profession
Once owners have been persuaded to put their faith in alternative treatments like homeopathy, it can be extremely hard for veterinary professionals to change their mind.
Patients, frustrated by a lack of answers in conventional medicine, sometimes turn to homeopathy - even though it offers even less hope of being effective