Alternative Medicine

Top five worst ‘uses’ for crystals in the world of wellness and pseudoscience

It's easy to see why crystals are appealing: they’re natural, they’re ancient, and they’re beautiful - but they're not actually magic

John Harvey Kellogg: the ‘Biologic Living’ theories of the inventor of corn flakes

Latterly famous for his breakfast cereal invention, John Harvey Kellogg was a religious zealot, eugenicist, and highly prominent early 20th Century quack

A cancer treatment derived from ancient Chinese calligraphy ink?

It might seem far-fetched to say ancient ink can help us treat cancer, but as a promising study showed, sometimes science can surprise us

The World Health Organisation is misguided in its handling of ‘traditional’ medicine

The WHO is right to say we should respect indigenous, 'traditional' medical knowledge - but proper respect means applying scrutiny and rigour

My trip to the Reiki Clinic where I learned I suffer from a magnesium deficiency

According to a Magnesium Balm product, magnesium deficiency is widespread - and its symptoms are broad enough to apply to essentially everyone

“What Nonsense!” – unpacking popular pseudosciences for a Brazilian audience

As pseudoscience flourishes in Brazil, What Nonsense! by Carlos Orsi and Natalia Pasternak seeks to redress the balance, and push back against irrationality

So-called alternative medicine and vaccine hesitancy

Many people who turn to alternative medicine are also vaccine hesitant - both factors are related to a distrust of, and lack of access to, mainstream medicine

Charles appoints alt-med fan Dr Michael Dixon as Head of the Royal Medical Household

Though largely unnoticed, Charles' appointment of alt-med advocate, Dr Michael Dixon, as Head of the Royal Medical Household may be telling
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