Alternative Medicine

Menstrual masking: the inadvisable trend of treating acne… with period blood

Menstrual masking - or using period blood as a beauty product - is just the latest in a line of dubious wellness trends based on the body's waste products

Floral alchemy: the even stranger Brazilian cousin of Bach Flower Remedies

Endorsed by the São Paulo city government, floral alchemy claims to be able to heal based on vibrational energy derived from lunar cycles

Could AI help fix the issues of ineffective alternative medicine regulation?

A new study uses AI to identify misleading health claims, showing that with the right motivation and technology, proper regulation of alternative medicine is possible

Labia peels: it is a very bad idea to apply chemicals to your labia in the name of beauty

The sale of labia peels - caustic chemicals to apply to the genitals to lighten the skin - is a dangerous example of the pressures on women to look 'perfect

São Paulo government boasts about how much money it wastes on alternative medicines

An advertorial paid for by São Paulo government proudly declared its continued support for a wide range of unproven and disproven treatments

An awareness of your body is useful, but the Alexander Technique probably isn’t

Any benefits attributed to Alexander Technique are more than likely to be the results of exercise - the expensive programme itself is mostly an exercise in marketing

Papaya and milk – the traditional Asian solution to breast augmentation

Societal pressures on women to have the perfect figure have led to all manner of proposed breast augmentation solutions - including, in TCM, drinking papaya mixed with milk

False diagnoses like ‘adrenal fatigue’ offer us simplistic solutions to our stressful lives

According to wellness influencers, so many of our symptoms are caused by adrenal fatigue - a false diagnosis, that stops us questioning the real stresses in our lives
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