Alternative Medicine

Homeopathy & Witchcraft

“Homeopathy is witchcraft” said Dr Tom Dolphin, deputy chairman of the BMA’s junior doctors committee at their annual conference in May. It seems the...

A Quorum of Quacks

For those of you who have never been festooned with so may needles that you looked like a archery target in fairyland, or else...

The Changing Face of Anti-Vax

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was a very well-travelled eighteenth century aristocrat whose husband was appointed ambassador to Istanbul. Fortunately for us, she was also...

From the archives: Homeopathy and the 10:23 campaign

From the archives in 2012, Mark Williams corresponds with professional homeopathy organisations in the wake of the 10:23 campaign's mass 'overdose' stunt

Therapeutic Touch: another health scam from America

From the archives, Mahlon W Wagner calls on the nursing profession to distance itself from New Age mysticism and anti-scientific philosophies

The First Quackbusters? The early battles between quacks and skeptics

From the archives, Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst reflect on the early history of the continuing battle between quacks and sceptics

Sceptical suicide attempt, nationwide: Updated

At 10:23am on Saturday 30th January, over 300 individuals from branches of Skeptics in the Pub will simultaneously consume an overdose of commercially available homeopathic...

Foals for Goals: Horse placenta the new magic sponge?

As an avid football fan and someone who has sustained their fair share of injuries, I have often been jealous of professional footballers who...
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