What follows is a slightly modified and abbreviated version of the introduction to Professor Edzard Ernst's recently published book, Don't Believe What You Think.
NHS Lincoln's ad for a Spiritual Healer rightly deserved criticism, but do these alternative health charities expose a more worrying gap in our care for cancer patients?
Our new editor Michael Marshall talks about the challenge of countering coronavirus misinformation and conspiracy theory, and why compassion is such an important aspect of skepticism.
Michael Marshall reports from a "cancer cure" seminar where patients were explicitly told to give up their chemotherapy in favour of disproven treatments.
“Homeopathy is witchcraft” said Dr Tom Dolphin, deputy chairman of the BMA’s junior doctors committee at their annual conference in May. It seems the...
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was a very well-travelled eighteenth century aristocrat whose husband was appointed ambassador to Istanbul. Fortunately for us, she was also...