Alternative Medicine

Brazilian Congress turns green – not for the environment, but for homeopathy

Brazil continues to make baffling healthcare decisions, including lighting up the Brazilian congress buildings... in honour of homeopathy

Beyond COVID-19: the issues skeptical activists across Europe are facing

COVID-19 is understandably getting all the headlines, but there are plenty more fronts in the pan-European battle against pseudoscience.

Therapy on tap: Thought Field Therapy offers superficial solutions to deep disturbances

Proponents claim remarkable results from Thought Field Therapy and Emotional Freedom Technique, but the evidence tells a different stor

One small step at a time, the alternative medicine industry is radicalising people

The alternative medicine industry has built up an ecosystem that efficiently radicalises its devotees into extreme positions

Our manifesto against pseudoscience in health challenges alt-med at a global level

Pseudoscience is a global phenomenon - if we want to protect the public in our individual countries, it will take global action.

From the outset, chiropractors have held anti-vax views – sadly, not much has changed

Despite overwhelming evidence vaccines work, many chiropractors focus unduly on the risks, and refuse to recommend them to patients

Institute of Biomedical Science falls for the Traditional Chinese Medicine hype

The September issue of Biomedical Scientist magazine ignores the real story in their rose-tinted history of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Rectal ozone therapy: Brazil’s latest COVID-19 pseudoscience

Brazil's rectal ozone therapy may sound ridiculous, but the reach of the pseudoscience movement is no joke
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