Alternative Medicine

Fecomagnetism: how Spanish alternative therapists promoted our hoax faeces-based cure-all

Two bored Spanish students invented a hoax therapy to demonstrate how misleading alt-med could be... then therapists asked if they could sell it.

Health food stores, a danger to public health?

A Canadian study showed that health food shops were overwhelmingly likely to give misleading advice on cancer - are things any better here?

How the Society of Homeopaths had their accredited status suspended

After years of anti-vaccine misinformation and bogus claims to cure autism, the Society of Homeopaths has lost its accredited status

Kardecism: the fringe spiritualist doctrine which became the soul of pseudoscience in Brazil

Kardecism - an 19th century off-shoot of spiritualism - found fertile ground in Brazil, and grew to wholly undermine trust in science and medicine.

The Outbrain drain: why newspaper sites have run thousands of scam ads

The news media is in an income crisis, but the solution cannot be for newspapers to lend their reputations to scams and fakers

Brazilian Congress turns green – not for the environment, but for homeopathy

Brazil continues to make baffling healthcare decisions, including lighting up the Brazilian congress buildings... in honour of homeopathy

Beyond COVID-19: the issues skeptical activists across Europe are facing

COVID-19 is understandably getting all the headlines, but there are plenty more fronts in the pan-European battle against pseudoscience.

Therapy on tap: Thought Field Therapy offers superficial solutions to deep disturbances

Proponents claim remarkable results from Thought Field Therapy and Emotional Freedom Technique, but the evidence tells a different stor
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