Alternative Medicine

What William Radam’s “Microbe Killer” can teach us about modern stem cell quackery

When new medical breakthroughs occur, pseudoscientists are often quick to jump on the bandwagon in order to sell their quackery

Brazil’s bogus “Covid kit” represents a failure of private healthcare regulation

Investigations show doctors were pressured to prescribe "early treatment protocol" Covid kits made up of unproven, ineffective interventions

Romance in the stones? The power of crystals vs the power of suggestion

Crystal healing continues to undergo a resurgence in popularity, but when put to the test, believers can't tell the difference between a real crystal or a fake

How alternative medicine radicalises believers into Qanon conspiracy theories

The alt-med world is filled with Implied conspiracy theories, which train believers to accept global cover-ups as true - paving the way for Qanon belief.

Should we be skeptical of homeopathy research conducted in India? A look at the evidence

Research from India is more favourable to homeopathy than studies from anywhere else in the world - which should give us cause to be suspicious

New NICE guidelines on chronic pain fall woefully short – and not just because of the acupuncture

Chronic pain patients need evidence-based care - instead, new NICE guidelines offer them patronising messaging, paternalism, and acupuncture

Integrative medicine: Mixing cow pie with apple pie

A recent paper claims to offer a new definition of Integrative Medicine, but does little more than repeat the the same old tropes and special pleading

When it comes to our health, doing nothing is often better than doing something wrong

Most of the time, being proactive can be a good thing, but when it comes to healthcare, doing nothing is better than doing something stupid.
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