Alternative Medicine

The erroneous assumptions of so-called alternative medicine: Root causes

So-called alternative medicine practitioners are always keen to tell their patients they treat the root cause of disease - in reality, nothing could be further from the truth

‘Prevent Senior’ in Brazil accused of conducting unethical medical experiments on Covid patients

Even after Brazil's "Covid kit" of alternative treatments was shown to be ineffective, doctors were given sales targets to keep prescribing - with official guidance on how to classify away patients who died from Covid.

The curious rise in the popularity of osteopathy in France

The number of osteopaths in France has more than tripled since 2010, despite there being no evidence that osteopathy is remotely effective.

When it comes to research, so-called alternative medicine is hostile to progress

Researchers who demonstrate alt-med to be ineffective are routinely, personally attacked - because practitioners are looking for vindication, not truth

Durian fruit myths: the many tall tales associated with the “King of Fruits”

Singapore's favourite fruit, the durian, has become the subject of myths and folk tales - each a testament to its cultural impact and importance

The Society of Homeopaths, and the issues with regulating healthcare in the UK

The Society of Homeopaths are no longer accredited by the PSA, after the authorities new Standards require benefit to be weighted against risk

As a skeptic and a dentist, I jumped at the chance to take a dental acupuncturist course

If we want to appreciate what makes pseudoscience practitioners tick, we need to know how they’re taught to think - which is why I took an acupuncture course.

The UK’s plan to please India by promoting Ayurvedic medicine puts politics ahead of science

In another attempt to please the Indian government, our politicians want us to use more Ayurvedic medicine - this time, they should listen to the science
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