Cancer cures

Walking the alt-med tightrope when a loved one has a terminal diagnosis

It's no surprise when people given a terminal diagnosis turn to alternative medicine - the best we can do is to care for them, and steer them away from the worst

A cancer treatment derived from ancient Chinese calligraphy ink?

It might seem far-fetched to say ancient ink can help us treat cancer, but as a promising study showed, sometimes science can surprise us

The new-age guru who claims cancer can be cured by drawing magic shapes in the air

According to spiritual guru and bestselling author Dr Zhi Gang Sha, Tao Calligraphy can radically better your life, improve your finances... and cure your cancer

The Mail Online declared arsenic a “miracle cure for cancer” – I’ll wait to see some evidence

We should be wary of claims that arsenic is a miracle cure for cancer - especially when those claims are made by a private biotech companies with skin in the game

Gerson Support Group cancer ‘cure’ charity removed from register by Charity Commission

The Gerson Support Group failed to meet the Charity Commission's public benefit test - and it's not the only CAM charity that will fail to clear that hurdle

Vernon Coleman: how the Pandemic has brought some unpleasant people new fame

Former doctor Vernon Coleman's emergence as a star of the COVID-19 conspiracy movement is little surprise, given his prolific career of misinformation

Health food stores, a danger to public health?

A Canadian study showed that health food shops were overwhelmingly likely to give misleading advice on cancer - are things any better here?

Dying to believe: how Gerson therapy claims jeopardise cancer patients

Michael Marshall reports from a "cancer cure" seminar where patients were explicitly told to give up their chemotherapy in favour of disproven treatments.
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